Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Going Away to School vs. Staying at Home

Should I go or should I stay? The dilemma on whether to go away for college or whether to stay locally can be a tough one for some. It’s a big decision that can determine the rest of your life, so here are the benefits of both to help you make the decision just a bit easier (or harder!).

One of the biggest benefits of staying home is the convenience--it can be helpful to be able to continue to live at home, rent-free and to not worry about moving your entire life to a dormitory in a new city.  This is quite beneficial if you’re looking to save some money.

Another bonus of staying home is that you get to stay close to friends (at least the ones that also chose to stay) and family.  You already know the area, and if you have friends who haven't gone to college, it's also easier to keep in touch with them.

One of the downfalls of living at home, however, is the possibility of missing out on the “campus experience”. Most colleges have societies and other events going on, and if you're going home every day, it takes a lot more conscious effort on your part to get involved with them. Also depending on how far away the college is from where you live, you can spend a lot of time and money travelling to and from college every day.

Leaving home and starting over in a new city is an adventure—new city, new place to live, new friends, new people! Starting over makes you gain a greater sense of independence and is great practice for when you finish college and want to move out. Your friends and family will still be around, and are most often just a phone call or email away, but going away to college helps you test your own ability to make it in the world.

If you go away to college, you will also have a lot of experiences that you probably won't have if you stay at home. There is generally a real feeling of community at colleges, because you're all in the same situation together. It's a great opportunity to try out hobbies and join clubs that you've always wanted to try. No matter how excited you are about going away to college, you will get homesick--everyone does. It may not be in the first week, it may not be in the first month, but there will always be a point when you want to see your family or friends. It is important to know that there will always be someone feeling the same way, and there will always be someone who can listen to you and help you.

The final decision is ultimately yours, and whatever decision you choose, it is important to make the best of it and have fun--after all, these are the best years of your life.

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