Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Volunteering Benefits for the College Admission Process

Volunteerism has a positive and meaningful effect on the community and is well-received on college applications.  Volunteering allows students to break down barriers and give back to society, while college admissions professionals take notice and use this experience to determine the potential acceptance of applicants. 

Those that will decide your fate understand the many reasons students choose to volunteer.  Whether doing mailers for a local politician or building houses for the homeless, students gain valuable life experiences and skills via hands-on work.  Many times these experiences help the student explore their career interests and potential major.  The networking involved could prove advantageous in the future, while some students even earn academic credit. 

Along with other extracurricular actives, volunteering sends a signal to colleges that you are serious about growing as a person by increasing your life experiences.  That is what education is all about.  However, do not feel the need to have an extensive list of different groups and causes.  Focusing more time with one or two volunteering endeavors will show college admissions professionals a strong commitment without spreading yourself too thin.  They realize that type of focus and time management are the keys to a successful college career.

When listing such experiences on the application make sure to provide more than a list of organizations and dates.  Provide an overall picture of your efforts supported by real examples of commitment and dedication.  Volunteering will enhance your life and prove to be one of the most memorable aspects of your educational journey.

Almost every type of organization is looking for volunteers.  Before you volunteer, it is important to find the type of service that you can provide and is of interest to insure you can stick with it.  Look for programs online or around your area of town.  These may include arts associations, the local library or children's organization.  Inquire with religious organizations and community colleges about potential opportunities on-campus and have fun!

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